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[原创] Golden Wheat(一首小情诗)

被《A Thousand Kisses Deep》深深感动了,遂作诗以记之,用的差不多的韵……

其实我不懂啥诗的写法啦,都是自己瞎掰兼瞎念,语法估计也是乱七八糟,就表在意这些细节了……并没有找到特别合意的BGM,用了一首To the Moon的OST。

送给 @kestopian 


BGM:Born a Stranger

Golden Wheat

Ripe as golden wheat

Full stuffed for you to reap

Winter survived and spring embraced

Proud of endurance, bent from fatigue

Hold me still my dear

You don't know how you've rooted me deep

Dreams washed away, memories buried

When the rain had ceased

Who is to unlock the garden

Had I lost the key

I love you more than I could bear

Felt like caged and forever free

It ached the morning with tender light

And shed the sky into solid tears

I craved the universe for all I need

Days wasted and nights seized

Eyes wide for savior of me

But you don't have to pull me out

I am filled with your silent glee

Pray hear, my wildest wish

Where nothingness subsided

And my love outlived


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