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[绝杀慕尼黑][采访搬运] 哎我居然还在坑底,这圈真是绝了


1. 康教练是否知道些什么?(链接1链接2


Sergey was a basketball player with a capital letter. He embodied on the site everything that we respect great sport for: dedication and courage, firmness of spirit and honesty, some boyish excitement in adult variations and the beauty of the game, intransigence to fiction and true male friendship.

总之这段就是各种夸,说他身上表现出了奉献精神啊勇气啊坚强啊诚实啊等等,最后居然还有个true male friendship?这个描述不会是凭空冒出来的,说明康教练确实亲眼见证了10跟某人/某些人的真正的男性友谊。

For Sergei, people are by no means the same, he, I know, has few friends, he is reluctant to make contact. Sometimes, seemingly without any special reason, Sergey allows himself to evaluate a specific person precisely from the point of view of a person. But I know for sure - he has the right, he gave his basketball, or rather, his life in basketball is bright and ambiguous. He is a maximalist by nature and has remained so. So why should Belov speak differently and not as he sees fit?

但是没隔几段康教练又说,10没有什么朋友,他不喜欢跟人接触(那么male friendship是跟谁产生的啊??)。10本质是个最高纲领主义者,而且一直如此。划重点:之前在另一辑采访搬运里提到,10说过5“本质是个复杂的人,一个最高纲领主义者”,神奇地用了一模一样的形容。


Belov was always distinguished by genuine modesty and complete rejection of falsehood, which is very clearly seen in his statements. Someone may perceive them as self-praise. But only a very distant from sports person can think so. Belov does not like to spread about himself.

康教练说10是个十分谦虚且绝不容忍错误的人。关于他的篮球风格,有这样的描述:“his thoughts about basketball, sometimes rather dry, are devoid of improvisation and a kind of artificial dashing, but they are accurate, reasonable, timely.”10对篮球的看法常常是出于精密的计算,很少有临场发挥的因素,总是准确、合理且及时。

好人外啊……OTL 以及我觉得这个地方10是跟萨沙的球风形成鲜明区分的,一个是科学家一个是艺术家那样(康教练当然更喜欢萨沙2333)。

2. 小队长不会唱歌但是会哭(链接


Q:You turn out to be a great singer! Or you yourself learned about this only from the picture?
A:(Laughs.) I only learned from the picture that I sang in Lithuanian when I was at the training camp in the national team. I don’t remember something when I suddenly started to sing in the locker room or somewhere else.

- 在电影里你居然很会唱歌!这是真的吗?

- (笑)我不是,我没有,我不会在任何地方莫名其妙地唱起歌来。


As for the Union team in which I happened to play, I remember how in 1964, under Gomelsky, we prepared for the Olympic Games in Tokyo, but then I turned out to be the thirteenth player, superfluous, and stayed home. In Serebryany Bor, when they announced the train to go to Tokyo, and they told me that I was the thirteenth, I could not hold back my tears. I felt that I could play with dignity at the Olympics, that I would not let the team down. Then the guys came, the same Volnov, Alexander Travin, Yaak Lipso, began to console: they say that you are still young, you will have time.


Q:Since the time of yours, we mean you and your friends on the national team in 1972, the Great Victory has already passed more than 45 years. Did you keep in touch with each other after your career?

A:We maintained relations, among other things, thanks to the memorial tournament in memory of Kondrashin and Belov, which was held annually in autumn in St. Petersburg. For ten years we constantly met there, talked, visited the cemetery - the graves of Sashka and Vladimir Petrovich. Sometimes we talked on the phone. More often than with others, I thus contacted Ivan Edeshko, congratulated each other on his birthday, etc. 


3. 一种简单粗暴的赢球方式(链接

这个是2019年1月的一篇文章,里面VTB联赛的主席(也是乌拉尔俱乐部前主席)Sergey Kushchenko回忆一次比赛:

"Speaking about Belov, I want to remember one game moment: a time-out when we played CSKA in the semifinals of the Russian championship. In fact, the championship match is a very difficult game. Sanych, as you know, was a very demanding coach, and we lost the ball at "+2"! Seconds to go. Sanych takes a time-out, sits down on a knee, takes a tactical Board, and then throws it far away over the sides and says: "Look at the seven thousandth hall! Your wives and loved ones are here. I will not draw anything, I will not come up with any scheme. Just go and win this match." And the guys defended, scored from above even, and won. It predetermined our championship."



4. 一个穿小鞋的故事(链接

2014年绿树林做了一个关于5的采访,对象是他曾经的队友Gediminas Budnikas(他们在克莱佩达的俱乐部时就一起打球了),采访中说起一件小事:

Q:Tell us about the human qualities of M.Paulauskas? 

A:We spent about eight months a year together in sports, including the preparation period – camps, competitions, various spartakiades. So we knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, we knew something that even the coaches didn't know. I had a big problem with sports shoes, because the foot was 47.5–48 in size, and our anchor factory did not produce such sneakers. The largest Sneakers produced by her were 46 sizes. When I had those shoes torn through the build-up, my foot was just as fit. But what game was there to talk about? Oh, and those anchor shoes were enough for just one match. When Modia got into the Soviet team, I was brought not quite new, but really good quality shoes of my size. It's hard to tell now how I kept them. I played with them only in important league matches. To this day I am grateful to him, although now it would seem such a trifle. Maybe three years later, Moscow has already allowed to purchase shoes of large sizes for the Masters ' teams. But until then, only Modesto's shoes helped me.



5. 顺便分享一个10的纪念视频,我扒不下来所以只能在线看了……OTL


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